Convection and Earthquakes

Convection: Here’s what the earth does for 2 billion years.. Its heat is still leaving the core, which is at over 3000 K– though we don’t completely know that number because we don’t exactly know the heat flux across the core mantle boundary !).  The rocks heat up at the core-mantle boundary and as they do so, they expand due to “thermal expansion”.  They become less dense (and weaker) so they start to rise… When they reach the surface they lose their heat to outer space (at about 0 Kelvin), and get dense and sink back into the Earth…. to go through the cycle again somewhere else…


That movie was 36 seconds at 30 frames per second, for 2e9 years, which means each frame is 180,000 years. Now we will see twenty years of earthquakes. That is 1/900th the duration of each frame ! So you can think of this at the number of earthquakes that it takes to move the plates 1/900th of the distance that the will move in 180,000 years !